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Consultation on dogs and cats

Last Updated January 29, 2019

We accept complaints and consultations regarding dogs and cats.

I want a dog or a cat

We transfer dogs and cats at the Yokohama City Animal Protection Center. Please contact us directly for the schedule and methods.

Inquiries: Yokohama City Animal Protection Center
    Phone: 045-471-2111

In Health and Welfare Center, I will introduce you to a veterinarian near you. Please contact Health and Welfare Center.

I want an enlightenment plate (signboard) and a flyer

Please come directly to the counter. Please fill in the name of the town.
If you would like a large number of copies, please contact us in advance. (If possible, please summarize the Neighborhood Association unit etc.)

I want you to pick up cats and dogs

Dogs and cats with their owners

Lifelong breeding is the principle. If you are unable to keep it, please contact us.
Discarding dogs and cats (protected animals) will result in punishment. (Act on the Protection and Management of Animals)

A dog whose owner is unknown

Please contact me.

The cat whose owner is unknown

We do not capture or direct collection. If you have any questions, please contact us.

To dog owners

The Act on the Protection and Management of Animals and the regulations of Yokohama City clarify the responsibilities of the owners and stipulate penalties for violations.

Let's keep dogs obey the rules.

Rule Part 1
Please dispose of your dog's feces and urine at home. Please take the feces you took during the walk. Prepare water in a plastic bottle, etc., and drain it. If possible, try to defecate your bowel movements at home.

Rule Part 2
Do not release your lead when exercising or walking.

Rule Part 3
Keep it so that you do not disturb your neighbors by squeals.

Contact information when a dog goes missing

Neighboring Health and Welfare Center

Kanazawa Health and Welfare Center
Phone: 045-788-7873
Ei Health and Welfare Center
Phone: 045-894-6967
Isogo Health and Welfare Center
Phone: 045-750-2451
Konan Health and Welfare Center
Phone: 045-847-8444

Yokohama City Animal Protection Center

Phone: 045-471-2111

Kanazawa police department

Phone: 045-782-0110

Yokosuka City Animal Protection Center

Phone: 046-869-0040

Put your dog's collar with a dog's license tag injection slip.

To Cat Owners

Let's keep cats obey the rules

Rule Part 1
Let's wear a collar so that you can identify it as a domestic cat.

Rule Part 2
Let's put your manure in the house.

Rule Part 3
Let's have a sterile castration to prevent unfortunate lives.

The ordinance on the protection and management of animals in Yokohama City clarifies the responsibilities of the owner, and the animals they keep are "keeping them so as not to bother others due to squeals and excrement." "Don't make another person's land or public place dirty."

For inquiries to this page

Kanazawa Ward Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division Environmental Sanitation Section

Phone: 045-788-7873、045-788-7874

Phone: 045-788-7873、045-788-7874

Fax: 045-784-4600

Email address:

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Page ID: 385-451-655

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