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Horiwari River Cruise

Last Updated September 13, 2024

Held area: Isogo Ward

Genre: Tourism, Others

Recruitment flyer

Event name

Horiwari River Cruise


Depart from the Horiwari River Isogo Pier and go around the Horiwari River by boat.

Date of the event

October 12, 2024

Date and time details

Departure time

①9:00 9:45 3 10:30 4 11:15 (approximately 35 minutes)
※Please complete the reception at least 10 minutes before the departure time.


Horiwari River
(Meeting and dissolution) Horiwari River Isogo Pier (Isogo 1-6-10)

How to participate

Many applications have been received and the capacity has been reached, so the application has been closed.

Application Details

Application period

September 11-30, Reiwa 6 (Application has been closed because the capacity has been reached.)


Up to 40 people each time (each time, first come, first served)
The results will be returned within one week after application.


・You can apply for up to 4 people at the same time.
・For children under elementary school age, please write "Small".


Free of charge

Target person

Anyone can participate.
※Children under elementary school age must be accompanied by a guardian.

Sponsorship and co-sponsorship

Isogo Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division

Inquiries to this page

Isogo Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-750-2335

Telephone: 045-750-2335

Fax: 045-750-2532

Email address:

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Page ID: 988-020-170

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