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  6. What is the fee and calculation method when I want to refund PASMO (with regular) that I no longer use?

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What is the fee and calculation method when I want to refund PASMO (with regular) that I no longer use?

Last Updated December 9, 2022

Municipal transportation

Commuter pass refundable amount [commuter pass fee-(220 yen * x 2 times <round trip> x number of days elapsed)] and the remaining charge will be added up, and the deposit (custody) will be refunded together with a deposit (custody) of 500 yen.
※The amount of the 220 yen portion varies depending on the type of commuter pass you are using.
(Example: 110 yen for school commuter pass (elementary school students and younger, 110 yen section)))
You will be charged 220 yen as a commuter pass refund fee. If there is no refund of the commuter pass, there is no fee.
From the spring of 2022, the following fees will be charged for refunds of PASMO.
(1)If the balance is 0 yen → There is no refund fee.
(2)If the balance is between 1 yen and 220 yen → A full refund fee will be collected.
(3)If the balance is up to 221 yen → We will accept 220 yen as a refund fee.
※The deposit (500 yen) will be returned to the customer in all cases (1) to (3).

※"PASMO" is a registered trademark of Pasmo Corporation.

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Page ID: 667-290-473


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