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What should I do if I lose my commuter pass for a municipal bus?

Last Updated December 9, 2022

Municipal transportation

・In the case of registered PASMO commuter pass
 Please apply for a commuter pass reissue procedure at the PASMO service window. After the next day, you will not be able to use or refund the lost PASMO.
 Procedures can also be made at the municipal bus commuter pass sales office or at some municipal bus offices (Hodogaya, Wakabadai, Takigashira, Honmoku, Midori, Isoko).

・In the case of anonymous PASMO commuter pass or paper commuter pass
 Commuter tickets cannot be reissued.

・In the case of Suica commuter pass
 Please contact the Suica handling office of JR East.

※"PASMO" is a registered trademark of Pasmo Corporation.
※"Suica" is a registered trademark of East Japan Railway Company.

Inquiries to this page

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Page ID: 947-372-747


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