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Introduction of the City Net Business

This section introduces international cooperation projects through City Net (Asia-Pacific Intercity Cooperation Network).

Last Updated August 6, 2024

What is City Net?

City Net (Asia-Pacific Intercity Cooperation Network) (external site) is a non-profit international organization that aims to improve and solve urban problems in the Asia-Pacific region. Founded in 1987, the membership was 26 at the beginning of its establishment, but now 162 cities and organizations are members (as of December 2023).
The secretariat has been set up in Seoul, Republic of Korea, and the City Net Yokohama Project Office has been set up in Motoichi as an organization responsible for international cooperation projects.
With the aim of connecting all stakeholders in the city and providing concrete solutions to urban problems faced by cities in the Asia-Pacific region, Citinet is divided into three subcommittees: disaster prevention, SDGs, and climate change. (The city is a member of the SDGs subcommittee.)
In 1995 he received the United Nations High Commissioner for Economic and Social Affairs (ECOSOC), and in 2002 he received the United Nations Habitat Honorary Award for his role in intercity cooperation and networking with local governments, NGOs, and government development agencies in Asia.

Relationship between Yokohama City and City Net

Motoichi has been a member since 1987 when City Net was established, and has been the chairman city for six terms since being elected chairman at the 1st City Net General Assembly (1989). Was. At the 7th City Net General Assembly (2013), he was recognized for his contributions so far and was elected as Honorary Chairman City, and is still the Honorary Chairman City.
In addition, Motoichi served as the chair city of the Disaster Prevention Subcommittee from 2013 to Reiwa 4 (2022), holding disaster prevention seminars, accepting training and inspections from member cities, dispatching experts, and Memorandum We have made international contributions through long-term support projects based on From Reiwa 5 (2023), as the chair city of the SDGs Subcommittee, we will continue to actively promote initiatives to achieve the SDGs that we are currently conducting.

For details of the project, please refer to the following page.
1.SDGs Subcommittee
2.Disaster Prevention Subcommittee

Inquiries to this page

In charge of City Net, Global Network Promotion Division, International Affairs Bureau Global Network Promotion Department

Telephone: 045-671-4703

Telephone: 045-671-4703

Fax: 045-664-7145

Email address:

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